Tuesday, June 1, 2010

april fools

hello everyone. i am sitting in my small little cabin in the middle of the woods writing this post on my laptop from 1994. Today was a very relaxing and wonderful day. I fished in the river (I caught a catfish as well as a flounder! oh boy! a yummy dinner tonight!), played hopscotch in the forest, and sharpened sticks on my porch. all in all, a very successful day if i do say so myself. Tomorrow i plan on skipping rocks, hunting wild gazebos, and building a bid house for my pet artichoke to live in, but we shall have to see if i succeed. I just thought that I should update you all on how my life in isolation is going, and as you can see it is going swimmingly (literally and figuratively! a few months ago there was a flood and i had to swim for miles to retrieve the local newspaper!). I hope you all are doing well in your lives in civilization. Have a nice night!

april fools. i dont know why i wrote that..........

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