Tuesday, September 22, 2009


why hey there! long time no see!
my life's pretty boring. so im not quite sure why im even making a blog post. maybe its because i havent posted in 81 days.
not many other people have been posting much either. so i dont feel too bad.
so.... i started high school. its pretty boring. but ill tell you about it anyway.
its very different from my old school considering my grade has more than 20 people in it. plus theres more than one hallway and we dont have to walk in straight lines and be quiet in the hallway. my schedule is rotating so ill tell you mt B day schedule.
1st period: History: an awesome class. a very good teacher. definately one of the best classes
Advisory: homeroom: the usual
2nd period: gym: my teachers kinda crazy. and we're currently playing football. in case you were wondering
3rd period: Choir: pretty fun i guess. everyone's really good at singing which gives the illusion that im good at singing.
4th period: Religion: surprisingly one of my favorite classes. my teacher is funny :)
5th period: English: apparantly my teacher thinks shes a goldfish.
6th period: Science: my teachers scary, but all around nice
7th period: Algebra: easy stuff. :p
I2 (dont ask): Spanish: another awesome class. senor moglia is awesome ;)

thats it for school. im also running cross country. im definately not one of the fastest runners, but its fun. my goal is to cut 20 minutes off my 5k time :P kidding!
its very fun and for once i look forward to running four miles after school :)
